Monday, February 7, 2011

Beta Reading

I got my first copy editing gig today and I'm pretty excited about it!  I've been reading a lot of ebooks lately and I stumbled across one call Lost, a Vampire Romance by Lori Devoti.  It was a short story which left me wanting to know what happened next.  I was wondering if the next installment had been released so looked at Lori's page and at the bottom they have a link to her latest blog postings.  Her most recent post requested Beta Readers for an upcoming vampire romance.

I've posted on here before that part of my job is copy editing and that I'd love to do it professionally.  It's a dream job of mine.  Well I contacted Lori and to my surprise she e-mailed me asking me if I'd be interested in reading her next novel.  Of course I told her yes and she told me that she'd send me something to look at next week.

I'm not doing this for money.  It's something that I enjoy and I'm doing this purely for the experience.  I'd love to do it professionally one day, but I need the practice first.  Emory University is holding a copy editing class here next month and I want to enroll.

That being said, if anyone has anything they would like critiqued, I would be more than willing.  I'll not only look for typos, grammatical errors, continuity issues, etc., I'll critique and comment on plot issues, characterization, believability, and overall feeling.


Amanda said...

That's cool!! You can edit my blog. haha I'm sure there's something messed up over there. :) Let me know what goes on with this...