Thursday, September 1, 2011

Win a copy of Alexander Death by J.L. Brayn!

Ok guys, it's been a while since I've written something on here, but I'm really trying to win a first copy of J.L. Bryan's last novel in the Paranormals Series, Alexander Death. I wouldn't really call the series a Young Adult series. There's sex, lies, and death as well as some pretty graphically disturbing images Bryan paints related to the "Jenny Pox." I can't express how excited I am about this new novel.

I heard about Bryan from Amanda Hocking on twitter. I read her My Blood Approves series and fell in love with her writing style. When she suggested that people should check out J.L. Bryan I did. I've read all but two of his novels and I'm telling you. I really like his style. The first novel in the paranormals series is Jenny Pox. Jenny is a girl who has a talent for infecting people with pox by touching them. If she touches them too long they die. If you want to read Alexander Death on it's September 30th release I'd suggest you start from the beginning.

Also J.L. Bryan is a pretty cool guy. He lives in Atlanta like me and he's pretty awesome to tweet with. Look him up. Promise he won't disappoint you. He's giving away three copies of the final novel in the Paranormals trilogy called Alexander Death. He's giving them out on the 25th of the month so if you'd like a chance to win go to his blog and enter! I tweeted the information a little while ago. Good luck and check him out!

P.S. he also contributed to the Glass Heart Chronicles which is pretty great as well.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Brian: Hola, me llamo es Brian ... Nosotros queremos ir con ustedes.. uhhhh ...
Bellboy: Hey, that was pretty good, except when you said "me llamo es Brian," you don't need the "es," just me llamo Brian.
Brian: Oh, oh you speak English!
Bellboy: (sigh) No, just that first speech and this one explaining it.
Brian: You .... you're kidding me, right?
Bellboy: Que?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hello there world, where have you been?

P90X.  It's a great workout.  My husband and I started P90X a couple of weeks ago and while I haven't lost a ton of weight (I've only lost 2 pounds), I feel better, I'm stronger, and I have more flexibility.  We've been doing P90X every night after our daughter goes to bed so I haven't had time to read or to write any blogs.  In case you didn't know, P90X is a 90 day workout routine.  At first I had to drag myself up to my bed.  Now things are better and I've gained a nice balance between working out and having down time for myself.

As stated previously, I love Young Adult Paranormal Romance novels.  I think they're great.  I'd always been a horror fan, but Twilight opened up an entire genre that I had no idea about.  I've gotten back into reading over the past week and I've read a couple of Horror novels and a couple of so so Paranormal Romance novels.  I think my new Kindle total is 31 novels and novellas.  

I'm an instant gratification person.  I want to discover a series of novels once they are done.  It's the same thing with TV shows.  I hate waiting more than a day to see what happens next in the series.  Sadly I've discovered several series of books that I really enjoy but they won't be out for the next few years.  Example, My Blood Approves, awesome books, but there is one more novel that has yet to be written.  It's the final in the series, and I can't wait to read it, so I twitter and blog stalk Amanda Hocking waiting on her to give up any information she can about when it'll be out.  

Next example Immortal.  A lot of people didn't like this novel because they said that it was too closely related to Twilight.  I can see some of their points but I didn't read it and automatically think Twilight.  I think that those are just twihards who have nothing better to do that to be obsessed with world of Twilight.  I'm not knocking Twilight at all.  I love the series and I have two Edward Cullen shirts, but it seems that Twilight has become the standard that all vampire novels are compared.  I enjoyed the book and was pleased at the end of the novel that there was an excerpt from the next.  I was PISSED to find out that it's not really an excerpt.  I blog stalked the author and she's no where near done writing the novel.  It was set to be released in Spring 2011 and from what she's said it's not even close to being done.  I got my hopes up for nothing.

Last example, Fallen.  The Fallen series is without a doubt one of the best series I've read.  I've been absolutely obsessed with vampire novels, but this novel opened up an entirely new obsession.  Fallen Angels.  (Think about it, an Angel thinks you're so awesome he'd give up heaven for you.  Wow.)  I love the story just as much as I did Twilight when I read it.  Twilight, My Blood Approves, and Fallen are all excellent series if you're looking to read a series of books.  The next two novels in the series haven't come out yet.  I'm dying to read them and I have reread the first two several times.  I was happy to see that the next one is set to be released in June but the last novel in the series won't be available until Spring of next year.  

In know this has been a bunch of random crap, but I haven't blogged in a while and thought that I'd catch you up on everything.  I won't be blogging again until I find something worth your time to write about.  Have a great weekend everybody.  It's my birthday so I'll be having a nice tropical drink somewhere.  :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today's word is fluctuations.

An Asian lady was trying to exchange yen for dollars in a bank. It was obvious she was a little irritated.

She asked the teller, "Why it change? Yesterday, I get two hunat dolla fo yen. Today I only get hunat eighty? Why it change?"

The teller shrugged his shoulders and said, "Fluctuations."

The Asian lady says, "Fluc you white people, too!"

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Awards Shows

I don't know why I watch Awards Shows.  I don't watch them for the fashion.  I watch them hoping that people I want to win do.  And of course, they never do.  The Oscars snubbed Christopher Nolan in the directing category by not giving him a nomination and then Hans Zimmer doesn't win Best Original Score.

I don't understand why people are so taken by the Social Network.  I haven't seen it and I don't have a desire to.  I have a feeling that it'll be like Avatar was for me.  The concept was cool and it looked amazing, but I thought that the story was stupid.  I don't care enough about how Facebook got started and the struggles that went along with it becoming the largest social networking site.  I'd be happy with any other film winning over it.  Sorry that's how I feel.

I thought that Inception was the best movie I had ever seen.  It was spectacular.  I guess I have a certain taste in movies that NO ONE ELSE has.  It's sad really.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Austin, everyone will know your name one day

My nephew Austin has a type of dedication that no one else in my family has ever had.  There's nothing wrong with that.  We were all dreamers, but we never knew quite how to execute ourselves to make our dreams a reality. 

Austin speed skates, indoor, outdoor, where ever you can, and he's good at it.  He just turned 14 but he works harder than anyone his age, anyone my age, to be good at what he loves and his hard work has paid off. 

I just got a message from my sister-in-law that Austin finally got sponsored!  Austin is now sponsored by Pinnacle Racing!  It's very exciting!  I can't imagine being 14 and being so good at something that people notice and want you to represent them.  And he takes it in stride.  He's humble and I can't commend him enough.

I know that his goal is speed skating on ice in the Olympics.  He wants to be the next Apolo Ohno and I don't doubt that he could be.  He works hard at it.  I know that they've been talking about him moving to the ice.  I'm just not sure when they're going to do it or if that something he still wants to do.  But talking about the Olympics when you're 13 has to be mindblowing.

Austin, I'm very proud of you and I'm here to support you!

Happy Valentine's Day