Sunday, January 30, 2011

My thoughts on movies.

I love film. I never get tired of a good movie. I’ll watch it over and over and catch something new every single time. That being said, good films are broken up into two parts, films with a terrific story and films with great actors.

Good Film

A good movie grabs your attention in the first 5 minutes. You consciously are so into the movie that you are more than happy to invest the next 90 minutes to 3 hours to it. The film makes you want to care about the characters. You want to know what happens to them even if you think that there would have been a better actor to play the part. You look past all of the flaws and want to see how the story plays out. If you hate the ending, I still think you would be willing to say that it’s a good movie because you stuck it out even until the “not so spectacular” ending. The ending will piss you off, but the rest of the movie was worth the sacrifice. The best movie would be a movie with a great story and wonderful casting. Sometimes that’s difficult to do.

Good Actors

There are a handful of actors that I would call good actors. A good actor is like a chamelion, you don’t see them in the part. They actually become the charater. Sometimes when you’re watching a movie you lose track of who the character is. You refer to them as the actors name. If you are a good actor the viewer is more likely to become invested in your character. You are more believable.

A good actor is someone who you are willing to watch any movie they’re in. For example, I will watch ANY movie Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in PERIOD. Even if the movie is a complete bomb, they will execute their jobs perfectly. The Lady Killers, not the best Tom Hanks movie of all time. Even though I didn’t particularly like the movie, I thought the did an awesome job in it. GI: Joe, not the best movie, but I still thought Joe played his part well. I will watch a sequel to it just to see what he’s like.

A good actor will make you feel for their character in the situations that they are in. You may even want to cry when you watch it because their part is so believable you want to even know more than what the movie gives you. Even if the storyline isn’t so great and you feel like finishing it up is a waste of time, you’ll stay with it. Just because you want to know what happens to the character.

That being said…

I’m not claiming to be a film expert, I just love all types of movies: independent, dramas, dark comedy, musicals. You name it and I’ve got a favorite in that category. The entire reason I posted this was because of a small film called “The Lookout.”
 I watched it because Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in it. He’s one of those actors that I’ll watch any movie he’s in and I know he’ll do a good job. I’ve yet to be disappointed. (Don’t believe me, watch a film he did called Manic. Great stuff) Right from the beginning I became invested into Chris Pratts life. I felt sorry for him, I wanted to know how he turned his life around. He played the part so well your heart broke when you watched his struggles. You wanted to help him in any way you could. After the movie I wanted to see more. I wanted to know how is life developed. If things got better for him. It is definitely a must watch film. I didn’t care so much about some of the other characters in the film, but I thought that he did a fantastic job.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blogspot v. Tumblr

I'm trying really hard to get used to this whole Blogspot thing.  I've only been using Tumblr for a few months and I love that it is incredibly user friends when it comes to the types of posts you want to do whether it's a video, pic, or just a standard text blog.  I like that Blogspot allows comments though.  Otherwise I feel like Tumblr has the upper hand.  Any thoughts on making this transition a little easier or am I screwed?

To be or not to be...

There are several things that people wish they could be, an actor, a musician, a strawberry (that one was for you Amanda).  I wish I could be a writer.  I come up with interesting enough ideas, but I'm never good enough at the small details.  I know how to start it off and where I want it to end, but all the stuff in between never comes to me.  Since I'm pretty sure that the journey is the best part of the story then me being a great novelist is pretty much out of the question.  That why I think that I should put my OCD to good use.  I want to be a copy editor.

I work in a crappy engineering firm, writing crappy proposals, trying to get us crappy work (I work at an environmental engineering firm...we deal with wastewater...get it? I made a funny.)  Copy editing is part of my job and it's the part I enjoy.  The entire reason I've gotten on this bend is because I got a Kindle of Christmas.  Since December 31 I've read 15 books, two of them I've read twice.  While reading all these books I've noticed an unusually high number of errors that proper editing would have taken care of.  It's like people don't take the initiative to, not only create great stories, but create works that they take pride in.  I don't know, maybe I'm wrong and most of them are independently published and with that they've looked at their own work so long that they don't see the flaws.  I do that too.  I would just love to see these great novels I've been reading be great works also.

On another note, I'm looking for a new books to read.  I would prefer them to be either horror, thrillers, or paranormal romance.  I love reading about things that aren't real like vampires, ghosts, werewolves, Greek gods or immortals.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Creepy Dreams

I have very vivid creepy dreams.  They’re always like a horror movie.  Last night I dreamed that my husband was a caretaker at a hotel like in The Shining except not in the off season.  There were ghosts trying to tell us that the owner had killed his family and buried them under the floor boards.  They needed us to set them free before the owner killed us all.
When I told Bob what my dream was about he told me that I should quit reading supernatural thrillers and do something like him, play video games and kill people.  Apparently he had a dream about dolphins after playing Black Ops last night.  I dunno…..